Micro Business Therapy™

with Simplicity Expert, A.Michelle Blakeley

9 Powerful Social Networking Sites for Women Entrepreneurs

UPDATE: This article was written in 2010. Many of the websites below are no longer functioning. Please see the updated article, “Networking Sites for Women Who Mean Business” and “11 Blogs that Motivate Me, In the Loop and Hungry for More

What is the real power behind women entrepreneurs? A study by the Center for Women’s Business Research shows that women now own 40 percent of private firms, women-owned businesses generate about $3 trillion in revenue and employ 16 percent of the workforce; making them significant players in the national economy. In addition, the study found that 85 percent of women surveyed do not believe being a woman is detrimental to their business success, and 32 percent believe being a woman is beneficial.

There is power in being a woman entrepreneur. There is even more power in the collaborations that are formed among women business owners. Whether your product or service is exclusively for women or not, you simply cannot deny the intrinsic inclination to support each other and champion each other’s cause.  Why not use that to our advantage? The real power in women entrepreneurs lies in our ability to connect, support and encourage each other straight to the top!

Below are 9 powerful social networking sites for women entrepreneurs. CAUTION: Your business could increase and expand if used wisely.

1. Empower Me! – From blogs to websites to networks and everything in between, there is something for every woman. @talentdiva

2. Diversity Woman – Executive network for women of all races, cultures and backgrounds.

3. International Black Women’s Collaborative – The perfect platform for creating new personal and business connections. Live Local and Think Global!

4. Ladies Who Launch – Find information on successful women entrepreneurs as well as resources for women. Ladies Who Launch is an online and offline social network that provides opportunities for women to move their businesses and personal goals forward. @ladieswholaunch

5. Minority Women on the Rise – profiles successful women entrepreneurs from coast to coast, who are successfully running thriving businesses. @sylviabrowder

6. Pink Magazine – PINK represents more than a color. It´s a badge of honor celebrating a global mission of equity and opportunity – a movement acknowledging all that women are today and will be tomorrow.

7. Savor the Success – is a social network that connects entrepreneurial, professional, and creative women while helping to build big dreams in a real way @savorthesuccess

8. Women Owned – information, tools, networking opportunities and advice that has helped hundreds of thousands of women. Women just like you – starting or growing their business.

9. Women’s Peer Network – Only join if you want to improve your business contacts. @thebizwoman

Remember, use these networks to help develop your personal support team, strong collaborations and collective influence. Connect with the appropriate people,  your ideal potential clients,  those who serve your ideal potential clients,  decision makers and be sure to make a few friends!

Be mindful of the time you spend networking. Have a purpose, listen twice as much as you speak and give until your heart is content. Girl Power!

Do you know of more sites? Please add them to the comments.

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A.Michelle Blakeley is the Founder and CEO of Simplicity, Inc.; a progressive small business development firm. She manages her clients’ business expectations and prevents information overload via Micro Business Therapy™ and Micro Business Action Plans. She is featured in Forbes.com as one of 30 Women Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter and the host of Simple Truths: Intelligent. Insightful. Informed. on BlogTalkRadio.com.

11 comments on “9 Powerful Social Networking Sites for Women Entrepreneurs

  1. DHill
    January 22, 2010

    Also check out http://www.85broads.com (used to be Goldman Sachs alumnae but has since opened to women of all backgrounds and stages of career/life — with more than 21,000 members globally) and for women in work in hedge fund industry, http://www.100womeninhedgefunds.org

  2. Sylvia Browder
    January 22, 2010

    Hi Michelle,
    Thank you so very much for including my ‘Minority Women on the Rise’ group in this powerful article. In addition, I would like to mention my blog site, http://www.sylviabrowder.com which has business related articles and showcase ‘successful women entrepreneurs.’

    I am humbled by being selected among these other amazing sites for women.

    Sylvia Browder, CEO
    Browder Consulting Group

  3. Michelle. I’ve already said this many times, but I’ll say it again. Thank you so much for thinking highly enough of Empower Me to add us to the list. I promise we’ll continue to keep the standards high and live up to this honor. I’m amazed at all of the feedback this has gotten and made some new friends!

    Adrienne Graham
    Empower Me! Corporation

  4. Rosanne Ferreri-Feske, CEO
    January 27, 2010

    Also check out: The New US Woman, http://www.thenewuswoman.com, Twitter: @thenewuswoman We are a new OPEN directory and network specifically for social, CIVIC-minded entrepreneurs who wish to creatively unite entrepreneurism with philanthropy and activism.

  5. Donna Marie Antoniadis
    March 13, 2011

    You need to add http://www.shesconnected.com – the premier social networking site for women.

  6. JenaMar
    May 26, 2011

    Hi Michelle!

    I Love this article and I know it was written a while back so I thought I would add one to your list that just launched.

    It’s called InterviewHer.com – This site has a FABULOUS social networking platform that just launched a few days ago.

    http://www.Interviewher.com profides a fantastic platform for Ladies! They connect women
    as closely as possible with their favorite companies.

    You can connect with compnies for coupons/discounts shop private sales, companies can barter with other companies and women can find job opportunities. It’s a very cool site and I thought I would let you and your readers know 🙂

What are your thoughts?